Conservation Philosophy, systems & methods
Eura’s key philosophy is to minimise harmful or intrusive intervention, ensuring that wherever possible all treatment is reversible and retains as much historic or significant material – including historic surface finishes – as possible.
All work is preceded by careful analysis, research, and consultation with the owners or custodians of the object and our techniques and materials are fully documented throughout the process. We are happy to deal with objects as small as a coin or portrait bust, to objects as large as the Gulbenkian (2006) award-winning 322 foot long wrought iron hull of Brunel’s steamship the ss Great Britain or Gravesend Pier. Indeed we commenced work on the world’s largest Victorian glasshouse in Kew Gardens in late 2014 whilst at the other extreme carefully conserving an old penny placed behind a first world war memorial as a private and personal tribute.
Conservation systems & methods
We have invested in high-tech conservation documentation systems, including digital imagery and scanners, image databases and high-quality printing, all of which help to ensure that the record of our conservation work remains accessible well into the future.
The capacity to undertake sophisticated material sample analysis using for example, microscopy and endoscopy is available in our workshops and where needed on site.
Research and Development
We have been involved in, and funded for, FP5 and FP6 European Commission research projects. We are currently participating in two FP7 Programmes.
Eura Conservation Ltd was represented on the International Scientific Committee for CHREST Conference for sustainable heritage.